Sura - Shark or Dolphin...or both?

Yummma! Yupppa! Podhum daa...
With these words, I left the cinema hall after watching Vijay's latest and 50th milestone movie in his film career: SURA. Sura means Shark. I agree. Quite as vicious a film as a shark is said to be.
Vijay's opening in the film came as a Dolphin-like stroke supposedly in the ocean. Didn't know sharks did that! Maybe sura also means dolphin. Ok, I can give them that.
What I cannot give this film & story, is ANY ounce of appreciation. Vijay is a fisherman, it seems. Pooh. Credibility goes downhill from here! Even Vadivelu's comedy was ...stupid. Only one scene was really funny -- the one with Vadivelu and Venniraadai Moorthy, but teh former spoiled it by repeating the funny act 5-6 times in succession!! Really poor.
Vijay. Couldn't he have given some amount of interest to the script he signed for his 50th film?? Disappointing. Boring dialogues but brilliant dancing! That's one thing he always has going for him. Also, he looked healthier in this film than he has in a long time. He just needs another Gillie now and then...and then, he can pull on with more Kuruvis and Vettaikaarans but God forbid he comes out with more Villus & Suras.
Tamannah. Really, the girl's OK. Forced to act like a bimbo but am sure I want to thank her for her correct lip-syncing, which is more than I can say for the villain. Aha. The Villain in Sura I THINK is the hero from the family-drama nice-Tamil-film-hit 'Aha' that released in...I think 1996-1997. Poor guy. Poor lip syncing / dubbing.
The story & presentation is best described as 'thoo-thoo-thuppaaki'. Stupid-O-Stupid.
It seems Ilayadhalapathi (what does it mean?) Vijay's movies have slumped into the following super-boring format:
- Talk of the hero (Vijay), followed by a 'Vijay-opening' scene.
- Song for some made-up victory celebration.
- Some drama usually involving the mother who dotes on son(Vijay) and is the epitome of...home-making / mommying.
- Villain-entry followed by a small triumph from Vijay's side over one of the villain's assistants / small-fry.
- Heroine entry and the weaving of a romance-plot that thins with every film.
- Song: Vijay and heroine. Show-off time for Vijay!
- Some fights, more songs, ill-placed comedy scenes and ...a challenge!
- INTERVAL (habbah!)
- More drama, comedy, fights, songs, fights, fights and fight till the end.
- Vijay wins any fight in the end never mind the number of villains or anything.
- The end
Sura is best described as a SHARK ATTACK! Stay outta theatres, people. I didn't. That's ONLY because a friend and I like to watch Vijay films even if JUST for the heck of it.
Psssst! BURRRP. The film's bad.